0800 948 432


Anne McClean

Tel: 09 537 1452

Mob: 027 472 9921

Email: pakuranga@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz

ACC Vendor number:VAY823

Franchise for Sale:

Hello, my name is Anne McClean. I have watched the growth of Driving Miss Daisy with interest over several years and as the new owner of Driving Miss Daisy Pakuranga I am delighted to be part of a wonderful service that enables people of all ages and life stages to independently access and enjoy every-day activities to support their well-being, socialisation and independence.

For me, this opportunity has been the natural progression after 20 years of hands-on and administrative support in the Disability Sector and the last 12 years in a corporate role as a Customer Experience Manager. I am excited to be able to bring that knowledge to Driving Miss Daisy and look forward to providing a meaningful and personalised experience to all in our community.

The thorough Driving Miss Daisy training requirements ensure my team of drivers and I provide a safe, caring, respectful and professional companion driving service to all – with a little fun thrown in for good measure of course!

Driving Miss Daisy is a pre-booked, pre-quoted service so you know when we are going to turn up and how much we charge – always on time and no surprises. We are ACC Registered Vendors and accept Total Mobility vouchers.

We are happy to transport you or your family member wherever you wish – regular activities or appointments, one-off outings, special occasions, airport transfers, coffee with friends, family dinners or events, pets to the vet, group outings – really anything you or your family member would like to do. We are flexible and love to help wherever we can – just ask!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Anne McClean | Driving Miss Daisy

Covering Suburbs:




Farm Cove

Pakuranga Heights