0800 948 432

New Plymouth East

Mel Henshilwood - Driven Award 2024

Tel: 06 751 0209

Mob: 027 773 3268

Email: newplymoutheast@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz

ACC Vendor number: VAT096 - Wheelchair accessible vehicle available upon request.

My name is Mel Henshilwood and I am the proud owner of the New Plymouth East Driving Miss Daisy franchise.

My background is in not-for-profit organisations having worked for the YMCA and NZ Red Cross. I have 2 children, Jamie and Josh and in my spare time I am involved in Musical Theatre.

I have always been a people person and love interacting with individuals from all walks of life which makes Driving Miss Daisy the perfect fit for me. Driving Miss Daisy offers much more than just transport. It is a service delivered with care, compassion and a smile. It is the next best thing to being out with a family member or good friend.

I am enjoying providing the Driving Miss Daisy service to the community, as it helps to maintain and restore independence whilst also providing companionship and assistance when required. I am happy to discuss your transport options with you, from day to day appointments to those more special occasions. Every trip is pre-booked and pre-quoted so you will always know what to expect.

I am enjoying meeting all our wonderful clients and making new friends. Please call me for your next outing.

Mel Henshilwood

Covering Suburbs:

New Plymouth East


Sentry Hill








Everett Park


Bell Block

Glen Avon


