0800 948 432

New Lynn

Dipak Kesha

Tel: 09 634 5015

Mob: 021 502 538

Email: newlynn@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz

ACC Vendor number: VAY241 - Wheelchair accessible vehicle available upon request

Hi my name is Dipak Kesha. I am owner of Driving Miss Daisy New Lynn.

I am Auckland born and bred, and have worked in retail for most of my working life. From working in a fruit and vegetable shop, running a Four Square shop and selling real estate.  I have and continue to enjoy providing exceptional service to people.

Driving Miss Daisy is a unique service that gives the independence back to its customers. We keep our customers safe and secure and the standard of our cars means you ride in total comfort. We offer a wide range of services including transporting children to and from school and taking them to and from after school activities. We can also help family members to get to medical appointments, social occasion and even help them with their shopping. Driving Miss Daisy is a pre-booked and pre-quoted service.

I am excited and proud to be servicing the needs of the New Lynn community, and look forward to building a great working relationship with you all.

Dipak Kesha | Driving Miss Daisy

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