0800 948 432


Angela de Jong - Contribution to Driving Miss Daisy Award 2024

Tel: 09 263 0912

Mob: 021 503 391

Email: manukau@drivingmissdaisy.co.nz

ACC Vendor number: VAM051 - Wheelchair accessible vehicle available upon request.

Hi, I am Angela de Jong and I have been the  Franchise Owner of Driving Miss Daisy Manukau since 2014, a region that includes Manurewa North, Manukau City, Papatoetoe and parts of East Tamaki.

I was born and raised in Papatoetoe and continue to live here together with my husband Phil. We are very proud grandparents and now our home is filled with our two grown sons, their families, our cat Ricky and our dog Jess.

I grew up in a medical environment as my mother owned a private hospital in Papatoetoe and went on to work in the hospitality industry for most of my adult life. I have also worked as a volunteer with Victim Support and have been privileged to meet and help so many wonderful people at what is often the most traumatic times in their lives.

Driving Miss Daisy enables me to work with people in a caring way, and at the same time make a positive contribution and allow me to remain in our community. I love being  part of offering such a fantastic service and the opportunity to add to the quality of people’s lives. Driving Miss Daisy gives me the opportunity to be out and about each day, serving the community and meeting new people from all walks of life.

I know how important it is to have safe, reliable transport for people who need that extra care. Driving Miss Daisy offers a unique and personalised service to anyone who isn’t able to drive themselves, so whether you need to get to an appointment, work, or just want to get out of the house for a while, give me a call and I will look forward to meeting you and helping you in any way I can.

Angela De Jong

Covering Suburbs:



Clover Park


Totara Park

Totara Heights

Hill Park

Goodwood Heights

The Gardens


Clendon Park
